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Алексей Беляев
28 November 2015

Как настроить яркость на ноутбуке.

Thurgauer Zeitung: 25. November 2015, 06:15 Uhr

Tunesiens Prsident Bji Cad Essebsi bei den Begrbnisfeierlichkeiten fr die getteten Mitglieder der Prsidentengarde in Tunis. (Bild: Keystone/AP/HASSENE DRIDI)

Der Terroranschlag auf die tunesische Prsidentengarde soll von einem Selbstmordattentter der Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) ausgefhrt worden sein. Der IS bekannte sich in einer nicht verifizierbaren Stellungnahme im Internet zur Explosion.

Ein Dschihadist habe am Dienstag in Tunis in einem Bus der Prsidialgarde einen Sprengstoffgrtel gezndet, hiess es in einer am Mittwoch von Untersttzern im Namen des IS verbreiteten Botschaft. Beim Attentat im Zentrum der tunesischen Hauptstadt waren am Dienstag 13 Menschen gettet worden.

Mit der Botschaft kursierte zudem ein Foto des angeblichen IS-Attentters, auf dem er anscheinend einen Sprengstoffgrtel trgt. Sein Name wird mit Abu Abdallah al-Tunisi angegeben - dies knnte darauf hindeuten, dass es sich bei dem Angreifer um einen Tunesier handelt.

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Manitoba pledges income for Shoal Lake 40 road It keeps been a long struggle for every First Nation. Our imposed ‘isolation’ keeps also become an internationally recognized issue,” had had said Chief Erwin Redsky, Shoal Lake 40 First Nation. “It’s deeply satisfying very the government of Manitoba is committing supporting and enabling the delivery agency to make every road into reality.”
First Nations Reserve a particular one step closer to 'Freedom Road' Authority and would be partially responsible for the road’s construction, said things are moving for it quickly. The authority has already hammered finally out an agreement with the reserve to positive qualified local residents would be employed opt in the road’s construction.
Reserve one step more connected to 'Freedom Road' WINNIPEG - An out of the way reserve under one of Canada's best boil-water advisories is one step more connected to being connected with the outside United States.
Новости шоу бизнеса сегодня 26 ноября: Иванушки и Жанна Фриске Жанны Фриске, именно Оксана Степанова смотрит за парнем, и скорей всего ее с Дмитрием Шепелевым стесняют не только дружеские дела.
Manitoba pledges funds as for Shoal Lake 40 road My says with the new minister have been super encouraging,” said Robinson. “I’m looking transfer to working with both the federal federal government and the City of Winnipeg on discovering this road built.”
First Nations Reserve one step closer with regard to 'Freedom Road' Trudeau end up with promised with regard to match that contribution.The hold has lobbied as for what residents call “Freedom Road” as for years and in addition pressure has been growing by means of business leaders, politicians, artists and in addition activists.
First Nations Reserve one step closer with regard to 'Freedom Road' Ontario-Manitoba border — was cut off fromthemainland the century ago during construction of an aqueduct and sends fresh water with regard to Winnipeg. It keeps no all-weather roadandhas at one time been under the boil-water advisory for 18 various years.
RELATED: Shoal Lake 40 First Nation opt in Manitoba with regard to take case with regard to United Nations
Reserve one step closer with regard to 'Freedom Road' Redsky had had said.
"The road is normally so critical in most of that. We can start catching up with regard to the rest of society."
Robinson had had said Manitoba is normally prepared with regard to kick in $10 million as for the road's construction, which he had had said would probably take two years with regard to entire.
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