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27 September 2015
How to Add Credit or Debit card details in iPhone 6 – iOS 8
The Apple has launched its new series iPhone in September 2014, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus with the innovative iOS 8. Very stuffing features in this iOS 8, among all the features one of is an Apple Pay.
But for that the role of Passbook is important when you use Apple Pay. To make transaction successfully via Apple pay, Billing Address, Shipping Address, Email and Telephone number must require to Migrate/ Add Credit or debit card details in iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus. You can enter your credit or debit cards detail by two ways, either capture its photo with your iPhone camera or enter Card information manually.
If, you want to make payment via Apple pay by your iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 plus at that time your credit card or debit card details should entered before use Apple Pay through your iPhone. Therefore you can make easy transaction just hold your iPhone on the sensors and put your Finger on Touch ID as an authentication.
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How to add a hot credit/debit card to Google Wallet Desktop Step 3: You are going to get a hot window, enter your debit/credit card number to Card number space. There are another two fields namely Expiration time frame, and Security.
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Google Wallet can now build any credit card or debit card

How to: Add Credit potentially Debit cards to the Wallet app associated your Windows Phone When the individual finish entering your card’s info, double-check if there is any mistake as well as , then press
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Screenshot on Jason Cipriani/CNET
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How to Add Credit or Debit card details in iPhone 6 – iOS 8
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