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Дарья Дейнекинa
25 November 2015

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All Saints’ Church, in Haugham near Louth, is celebrating the completion of a new roof – nearly four years after the building was the victim of a major theft.

The theft, in November 2011, left the nave and chancel roofs protected only by tarpaulins while The Churches Conservation Trust (CCT) – the national charity which cares for the church – searched for funds to carry out repairs.

Earlier this year, the CCT was awarded a significant grant from the Listed Places of Worship Roof Repair Fund to finally enable work to go ahead.

The repairs included stripping and relaying both roofs, while installing a roof alarm and overhauling the rainwater disposal system.

Dawn Lancaster, from the CCT North, said: “We are so grateful to receive this grant and do this essential work.”

The work was finished just three weeks ago and cost around 85,000.

The church is now weather-tight and the interior will begin to dry out.

The next step will be raising funds to carry out further plaster repairs and redecorate the interior.

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