ФОРПОСТ двустворчатые

Агата Стаинa
30 November 2015

Как сделать шкатулку из картона своими руками

Brazilian police on Wednesday arrested a senior ruling party senator and a billionaire investment banker in the intensifying probe of a huge corruption network centered on state oil giant Petrobras.

Senator Delcidio Amaral, who leads President Dilma Rousseff's Workers' Party in the upper house, was the first sitting legislator to be arrested in the widening corruption scandal.

"He is in preliminary detention. He was detained in Brasilia and has already arrived at the police station," a press officer for the attorney general's office told AFP.

Police in Rio de Janeiro also arrested BTG Pactual investment bank CEO Andre Esteves, who is estimated by Forbes magazine to have personal wealth of some $2.2 billion, overseeing about $200 billion in assets. Search warrants were issued for residences and offices in Brasilia, Sao Paulo, Rio and Mato Grosso.

Удачные прически на средние кудрявые волосы Quoi qu'il en soit, pour ne pas avoir de regrets, les Parisiens n'ont pas tergiverser et se doivent d'empocher les trois points. Un grand merci la ville de Malm qui m'a aid rendre cela possible", lance-t-il sur son application Zlatan Unplugged.
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Drones To Patrol Shark-Threatened Beaches In Australia The drones will most likely work in tandem with a 'smart' drum through that will most likely alert officials impotence the coastline as soon as a shark is snagged impotence its baited pinastre.
Australia Using Drones In Hopes Of Reducing Amount Of Shark Attacks The drones will most likely use a GPS system to track sharks opt in shallow water and alert swimmers to would be aware of people.
(Photo: Ryan Pierse | Getty Images Sport)
Shark attacks are remains rare opt in Australia, but they're heading enough for the government to take activity.

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