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What are the estimates Enernoc Incorporated’s earnings?
What are the estimates Enernoc Incorporated’s earnings? How well has Enernoc Incorporated actually performed?
ecently, we surveyed 3 analysts were expecting an average of $-1.18 earnings per share for Enernoc Incorporated, for the 4 quarter of the fiscal year ending in 2016.
Among these esteemed but as yet unnamed analysts, the highest expected EPS was $-1.07. Counter to that, the lowest was $-1.29. This represents a 14.73% change for the EPS reported for the same quarter in the prior year. This equates to the consensus earnings growth estimate for the last 12 months, and should not be mistaken for a long term growth estimate. IMPORTANT NOTE: There are a number of different data suppliers out there, so our our reporting may be different then the numbers reported by FactSet and other sources.This is not a cause for alarm, please do not contact us about this.
Many esteemed, awesome, well known and loveable analysts are rating Enernoc Incorporated:
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