Slack, the popular messaging service for the workplace, is preparing for an Initial Public Offering. The company has kicked off an IPO readiness program and hopes to go public in the next 18 months.
Popular workplace messaging app Slack is gearing up for an Initial Public Offering (IPO) and could possibly go public by 2017.
The information comes courtesy of Stewart Butterfield, Slack's founder and CEO, who revealed in an interview to a publication that it had launched its "IPO readiness" program.
Slack kicked off this internal preparatory program three to four months ago and the notion behind the campaign is to have the option in the near future and be equipped for the same.
"We've done our first external audit and we've put in place a lot of controls and security practices. There's a lot of predictability that needs to be evident in the business, so we're spending a lot on analysis and data infrastructure," revealed Butterfield.
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At the start of the video, Okafor can be heard shouting to someone, "We got money, you broke ass." He utters a racial slur. The loss dropped them to 0-16 this season and tied the NBA record for consecutive losses with 26.
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