ФОРПОСТ двустворчатые

Алексей Беляев
19 November 2015

Что такое отложенный ордер?

Sikorsky Aircraft is being sued by the families of three U.S. Army soldiers after a Black Hawk helicopter crashed into a Georgia airfield in 2014 and one of its passengers died, according to the Connecticut Law Tribune.

The CT Law Tribune reports the lawsuit accuses Sikorsky of failing to properly design, manufacture and maintain the helicopter.

Jon Ternstrom, Clayton Carpenter, and Cameron Witzler were nearing the end of an “uneventful” training flight when “suddenly and without warning” a failure of the tail rotor pitch assembly, which controls the blades on the helicopter’s tail, occurred and led to the crash, according to the CT Law Tribune.

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Carpenter died as a result of injuries sustained in the crash.

The CT Law Tribune reports a Sikorsky vendor, Prototype Engineering and Manufacturing, was identified as the primary culprit in the lawsuit.

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