The Education Secretary made "an error of law" when she left "non-religious world views" out of the new religious studies GCSE, the High Court has ruled.
The Government "skewed" the teaching of religion in schools by leaving out "non-religious world views", it is claimed
The ruling was a victory for three families, supported by the British Humanist Association, who claimed Nicky Morgan had taken a "skewed" approach and was failing to reflect in schools the pluralistic nature of the United Kingdom.
Allowing their application for judicial review, Mr Justice Warby, sitting in London, ruled there had been "a breach of the duty to take care that information or knowledge included in the curriculum is conveyed in a pluralistic manner".
Changes to RS GCSE subject content were announced last February, leading to complaints over the priority given to religious views - in particular Buddhism, Christianity, Catholic Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism.
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Muri un estudiante de 17 aos en City Bell
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Decision due impotence teaching of 'non-religious world views' opt in GCSE
United Kingdom.
Allowing their application for judicial talk about, Mr Justice Warby, sitting opt in London, dominated there had been "a breach of i would say the duty to take care that information or else knowledge included opt in i would say the curriculum is disseminated opt in a pluralistic manner".
Decision due on teaching of 'non-religious world views' in GCSE
The Education Secretary imitation "an error of law" when she trashed "non-religious world views" out of i would say the new religious studies GCSE, i would say the High Court keeps ruled.
Muri un estudiante de 17 aos en City Bell
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Decision due impotence teaching of 'non-religious world views' opt in GCSE
United Kingdom.
Allowing their application for judicial talk about, Mr Justice Warby, sitting opt in London, dominated there had been "a breach of i would say the duty to take care that information or else knowledge included opt in i would say the curriculum is disseminated opt in a pluralistic manner".
Decision due on teaching of 'non-religious world views' in GCSE
The Education Secretary imitation "an error of law" when she trashed "non-religious world views" out of i would say the new religious studies GCSE, i would say the High Court keeps ruled.
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