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29 November 2015
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Author: Associated Press.
(AP) — French President Francois Hollande called for forming a broad worldwide coalition against the Islamic State group, using his visit to Moscow on Thursday to try to unite France, the U.S. and Russian Federation on a response to the Paris attacks that killed 130 people.
IS has claimed responsibility for the Nov. 13 attacks in Paris, as well as deadly bombings in Beirut and the downing of a Russian airplane on Oct. 31 that killed all 224 people on board over Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.
“We need to take the lead so that there can be actions against terrorism that must be intensified,” Hollande told Russian President Vladimir Putin at the start of their talks at the Kremlin.
“Terrorism is our enemy,” Hollande said. “We know it, it has a name: it’s Daesh, the Islamic State.”
Putin said that Russian Federation was mourning for Paris victims and those who died in the downing of the Russian passenger plane over Egypt. He praised Hollande’s efforts to build an anti-terror coalition and said that Moscow was open for stronger cooperation.
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