Os envelopes encontrados esta quinta-feira junto da grande Mesquita de Bruxelas, situada a 200 metros da Comisso Europeia, no representam qualquer perigo e o p branco encontrado poder ser farinha, segundo porta-vozes citados pela imprensa local.
Elementos do laboratrio de proteo civil deslocaram-se ao local, junto do parque cinquentenrio, para recolher os envelopes para anlise, tendo sido acionado o dispositivo para uma possvel situao de antraz, um agente qumico perigoso.
Por preveno, 11 pessoas foram descontaminadas, relatou um porta-voz dos bombeiros, Pierre Meys, sublinhando que as investigaes revelaram no haver qualquer perigo.
Os resultados preliminares do laboratrio indicaram que o p branco inofensivo e muito provavelmente ser farinha, acrescentou um porta-voz da polcia local.
O edifcio localiza-se na zona da Comisso Europeia, do Conselho Europeu e do edifcio que aloja a embaixada e o consulado de Portugal, bem como a Representao portuguesa junto da UE (Reper).
Анна Нетребко
Parolo protagonista con un gol ed un’ assist in avvio per Candreva, Djordjevic nel finale chiude i conti partita e qualificazione. Cos il tecnico al termine della gara: “Il ritiro stato costruttivo, siamo un gruppo responsabile che pu e vuole fare bene.
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And the coach ruled out starting right guard John Miller (high left ankle sprain) and backup receiver Marcus Easley (concussion). He showed no signs of injury two plays later in hitting Chris Hogan in stride up the right sideline for a 42-yard completion.
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Government set for Acas says over strike threat by junior doctors
Talks in i would say i would say the middle i would say i would say the British Medical Association (BMA) and i would say i would say the government will begin tomorrow after i would say i would say the Health Secretary U-turned to ward on strike action by thousands of doctors.
Jeremy Hunt last longer week would not agree to says certainly BMA officials came back to i would say i would say the bargaining for table first.
California health care crime: Scheme bilked in excess of $600 million for five suspects
A important California scheme to commit health care crime has resulted optini would say the arrest of i would say the chief financial officer of College Medical Center optinLong Beach, formerly Pacific Hospital, alonginaddition to four other doctors and marketers employed in i would say the hospital. The defendants face hefty penalties and prison terms.
Writes Reuters News impotence Nov.
Envelopes web p branco fazem montar permetro delaware segurana na Grande mesquita delaware Bruxelas
A polcia montou hoje other permetro delaware segurana na grandes mesquita delaware Bruxelas por terem sido detetados pacotes web p branco, que foi enviado para anlise, e 11 pessoas foram preventivamente descontaminadas, segundo the imprensa belga.
Government set for Acas talks in excess of strike threat by junior dr's
Acas, on i would say i would say the contrary insisted i would say i would say the BMA agree to talks main.
A total of 98% of junior dr's voted in favour of strikes, with 2% trying to fight and 11 spoilt ballot papers.
More besides 37,000 dr's were balloted by i would say i would say the BMA, and 76% took part in i would say i would say the vote.
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