Benjamn Pat/SIPSE
CHETUMAL, Q. Roo.- La Inversin Extranjera Directa (IED) en Quintana Roo registr un incremento de 146 por ciento durante enero-septiembre de este ao, comparado con el mismo periodo de 2014, de acuerdo con la Secretara de Economa.
Segn la informacin de la dependencia federal, hasta septiembre la cuenta de IED en Quintana Roo cerr con 215.5 millones de dlares, que representan 128 millones ms que el periodo anterior, donde alcanz 87.5 millones de dlares.
Tambin te puede interesar: Histrica inversin en carreteras de Q. Roo
Cabe destacar que el primer trimestre de 2015 cerr con 57.6 millones de dlares, el segundo trimestre termin con saldo negativo (es decir el dinero sali del estado) -13.4 millones, mientras que en el tercer trimestre cerr con en 171.3 millones de dlares.
Tan solo entre julio y septiembre, Quintana Roo recibi 191.5 millones de dlares en nuevas inversiones, adems de 4.2 millones en reinversin de utilidades.
ООО НОРД, г. Абинск
Esta fue la mayor prdida de vidas en los ataques aquella noche en la capital francesa en la que murieron 130 personas. El autodenominado Estado Islmico se atribuy la responsabilidad de los atentados.
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12 способов придумать будущее название компании!
По сообщению министерства, благодаря этому инструменту первые признаки нормализации стали ощутимыми во втором квартале 2015 года. Абромавичус подчеркнул, что Украина готова поэтапно устранять непопулярные барьеры для бизнеса, которые были внесены до этого.
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Essen (APA/Reuters) - Der deutsche Industriekonzern ThyssenKrupp hat in Saudi-Arabien einen Groauftrag an Land gezogen. Der Auftrag im hheren dreistelligen Millionen-Euro-Bereich sei der bisher grte im Zementgeschft des Konzerns.
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Son arrt emporte proclamation dfinitive des rsultats (art 201 alina 1 du code lectoral). Le Conseil constitutionnel dispose d’un dlai de huit (08) jours pour statuer (art. 152).
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Briton 'kept dad's skeleton opt in armchair'
A executive lived with his father's dead complete body for four months, even watching television opt in conjunction with the skeleton, but escaped prosecution, an inquest opt in Britain has reportedly heard.
Colorado fugitive, need opt in stabbing, nabbed opt in North Carolina
Federal broker companies this week arrested a 38-year-old Colorado man opt in North Carolina who is normally suspected of repeatedly stabbing someone who tested to stop him from driving under i would say i would say the influence.
Justin Vann Fightmaster was arrested opt in Burlington, N.C., early Tuesday by i would say i would say the U.S. Marshal's Service.
Famous Dave's of a America Reaches New 12-Month Low in $7.91 (DAVE)
Investment Research lessened Famous Dave's of a America by means of a i would say the “hold” credit credit rating to i would say the “strong sell” credit credit rating opt in i would say the research note on Friday, November finally. Sidoti lessened Famous Dave's of a America by means of a i would say the “buy” credit credit rating to i would say the “neutral” credit credit rating and lessened their target price forthecompany by means of a $24.00 to $11.00 opt in i would say the research note on Wednesday, November next.
Colorado fugitive, need in stabbing, nabbed in North Carolina
Rio Blanco County Sheriff's Office on suspicion of assault in addition to i would say the deadly weapon fromtheJuly 2014 altercation.
Authorities point out that Fightmaster stabbed his victim twice inthechest and once intheneck in addition to i would say the knife.
Fightmaster was arrested without accessoire and is being held at i would say the imprisonment in Alamance County, N.C.
Famous Dave's of America Reaches New 12-Month Low in $7.91 (DAVE)
theCompany’s prototypical design includes elements, such asthedesignated bar,thesignature exterior smokestack,theseparate entrance for its To Go business venture andthepatio (NASDAQ:DAVE).
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