Many believe Kris Dunn of Providence is the best collegiate player in the nation, and he'll get another chance to prove it beginning Thursday against Evansville at the Wooden Legacy at Cal State Fullerton.
Dunn, a 6-4 junior guard, came within an assist and three steals of a quadruple-double Monday against NJIT, swelling his season averages to 18.8 points, 7.8 rebounds, 6.8 assists and 5.3 steals.Plenty of NBA scouts will likely stick around to watch Dunn after getting a look at another early player of the year candidate, Denzel Valentine of Michigan State, who plays against Boston College in the game before. They'll get a chance to view two other proven scorers in Egidijus Mockevicius and D.J. Balentine of Evansville, each of whom is averaging 21.3 points this season. Mockevicius, a 6-10 senior from Lithuania, is also averaging 13 rebounds and warmed up for this tournament by totaling 26 points and 14 rebounds in Saturday's four-point victory against Belmont, his third straight double-double.
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