CercleFinance.com) - Elior Group a annonc lundi l'acquisition d'ABL Management, un spcialiste amricain de la restauration pour le pnitentiaire et l'enseignement suprieur.
L'opration doit permettre TrustHouse Services, sa filiale amricaine de restauration collective, d'toffer son portefeuille de prs de 200 clients.
Cr en 1990 Bton-Rouge (Louisiane), ABL, qui emploie dsormais 800 personnes, a gnr un chiffre d'affaires de prs de 60 millions de dollars l'an dernier.
Philippe Salle, le PDG d'Elior, souligne que cette acquisition s'inscrit dans le cadre du plan stratgique dfini pour la priode 2016-2020.
Elior est prsent sur le march amricain de la restauration de concession depuis 2013, date de l'acquisition de TrustHouse Services, qui emploie dsormais 10.000 salaris dans 47 Etats.
Tous droits rservs.
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Einfach eine E-Mail unter Stichwort „Kalender Chemie Leuna“ an redaktion.merseburg@mz-web.de bis Freitag, 15 Uhr, richten. Aber nicht nur der Chemiestandort feiert 100 Jahre, auch die Gartenstadt bestreitet im kommenden Jahr dieses Jubilum.
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The dupe yelled that he was unarmed and have up his hands as a signal of a surrender," i would say the report said. "He received i would say the fatal gun wound when he was slumbering on i would say the ground." Mexico rights complete body: Police used excessive force in 6 large Michoacan, because federal forces movedinto dislodge players of self-defense groups who had grabbed the Apatzingan city hall more than a few weeks earlier to protest electricity rates andinaddition crime. Federal forces began their advance in dawn to clear the camp, producing battles. One person died then. Mexican liberties body says police used excessive force opt in 6 civilian deaths
It best that prosecutors open criminal investigations into i would say the deaths. The federal police have always dissmissed off its officers used excess force. Lowland League - Kirwin cracker as for Cumbernauld In i would say i would say the day’s early kick off Edinburgh University forfeited a two-goal lead at i would say i would say the Iselcroft Stadium with regard to leave with just a point. Scott McCrory and in addition Jack Guthrie both scored as for i would say i would say the Students prior to i would say i would say the break but Tommy Muir and in addition Lewis Sloan ripped goals back as for Dalbeattie Star in i would say i would say the second half. Mexican liberties body says police used excessive force opt in 6 civilian deaths
The second 55 people were unarmed when they were attempt to death, the commission said. One of a the dead suffered 27 bullet wounds. Mexico rights body: Police second hand extraordinary force in 6 deaths The govt authorities have always denied its officers second hand excess force. But on Monday, National Security Commissioner Renato Sales said govt authorities would cooperate with prosecutors' investigation of i would say the deaths.
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