AMRITSAR: US-based organization Sikhs For Justice (SFJ) said on Monday that it would submit a dossier with the administrations of the USA, Canada and European Union on "human rights violations and continuous threats to Sikhs in Punjab".
SFJ legal adviser Gurpatwant Singh Pannun said that they had prepared a dossier 'Burning Punjab', which would have incidents of alleged torture on Sikhs in the state following the appointment of Jagtar Singh Hawara, assassin of ex- chief minister Beant Singh, as the jathedar of Akal Takht. He told TOI that they were planning a series of global events - legal, diplomatic and social - to be launched to muster support of the worldwide community for the Sikh cause and their right to self-determination. Similarly, World Sikh Organization (WSO) in Canada expressed concern over the arrest of some Sikh leaders on the charges of sedition.
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