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Двери Контур
19 November 2015
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Police were responding Friday to a report of an active shooter near a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs.
The situation has not been stabilized, police Lt. Catherine Buckley said. She had no further details.
Ambulances and police vehicles were lined up near an intersection and police told people via Twitter to stay away from the "active shooter scene" because it was not secure.
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Читать далее The Latest: Protesters march opt in Chicago shopping district Shut it's down! Shut it's down."
Entrances were but also blocked at i would say the Disney Store, i would say the Apple Store, Nike, Tiffany & Co., and opt in addition Neiman Marcus.
Many shoppers seemed to look at i would say the disturbance opt in stride. Some even snapped pictures of i would say the crowd.
Police: 'Active shooter' in littleton Springs

"Right and after this we don't know if there are usually any hostages," police Sgt. Kevin Miyakusu instructed CNN. "It is an ongoing situation."
Police: 'Active shooter' in littleton Springs Police had said Friday they were responding to a refer to of an active shooting in littleton Springs, littleton, near a Planned Parenthood facility.
"Right and after this we don't know if there are usually any hostages," police Sgt. Kevin Miyakusu instructed CNN. "It is an ongoing situation."
The Latest: Protesters march opt in Chicago shopping district

A smaller group, One Chicago, is normally calling on demonstrators to shut down stores to protest the city's handling of a the investigation.
Police: Active shooter at littleton Planned Parenthood healthcare facility Police had said on Twitter that people inside a neighborhood shopping center were told Friday to coop in place.
No further details were that can be found on the incident.
Police in littleton Springs are usually responding to a report of an lively shooter at a Planned Parenthood healthcare facility.
Police Lt.
The Latest: Protesters march in Chicago window shopping district Some of a the demonstrators linked arms with regard to form particular person chains in front of a main entrances with regard to stores on both sides of a Michigan Avenue as for more than three blocks.
Store employees be directing shoppers with regard to exit from side options.
Police: 'Active shooter' in Colorado Springs

Miyakusu had said he didn't know of a any happenings, adding that police are only aware of a a single shooting.
"It is a super fluid situation," he had said.
The Latest: Protesters march in Chicago window shopping district

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